Don Post Studios

Dawn Langdon Karrasch, seen with Kong, is my former wife and now Best Friend. Dawn was the glue that held DPS together for the five years I was co-owner, quite literally keeping the business on track financially, in spite of my over-the-top indulgences in photographers, re-sculpts, header art, and renovations (we really didn't need a lab for Don and Ellis Burman, but I insisted. Of course they loved it, and it was an impressive part of the studio. But very expensive.) - V. Langdon

Photos and text © 1966,1967, 1968, 2006 Verne Langdon, All Rights Reserved. This material is proprietary. Text and photographs are copyrighted and tendered for evaluation purposes only subject to the conditions that no copy, photocopy, reproduction, including publishing, and no other means of reproducing or preserving or transmitting or quoting the text or photographs contained herein may be effected or reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the copyright holder.